
Oodles of Technology

Please visit my new blog: Oodles of Technology for more tech. related content.


Eerie Photoshopping

The New Republic's front page is quite eerie. This image looks like an effete man - which Obama definitely isn't; and neither is Hilary a benign woman.


Pillow Talk

In all our silliness and spontaneity, we went to a pillow fight organized by the "Banditos Misteriosos" mobsters yesterday armed with a (soft) pillow and a D-SLR. It was a whole lot of fun to attend something so ridiculous and hilarious. There was a huge turnout, and everyone had a blast.

It comforts me to know that because it was an "International Pillow flight day", and because silliness has no boundaries, "at the very same moment" (in history?!), people in Beijing, Budapest, Copenhagen, Sydney pummeling each other as well.


Maximum City and other stories...

Created with flickrSLiDR

We're back from India, where we had a family reunion of sorts, and then went to Rajasthan for a whirlwind trip. As my sister mentioned, these are not just photographs; these are memories that I will cherish for a life-time.